Our Mission

Saving and Changing the Lives of Mothers and Children

Mission of Hope: Rotifunk Hospital is committed to safeguard the health of women and children in Rotifunk, Sierra Leone.

Thousands of people with treatable health conditions die every day in Sierra Leone due to inadequate resources — clean water, electricity, medical euipment and supplies, medicines and skilled healthcare workers. This is why Mission of Hope: Rotifunk Hospital is helping to rebuild, staff, and make operational a full service, high-quality hospital and community health center in Rotifunk.  Read More

We Can Save Mothers and Babies

  • Substantially reduce mother, newborn, and childhood mortality rates
  • Maintain a sustainable source of clean water and power for the hospital
  • Equip the hospital to provide needed medical services
  • Hire, train, and maintain the required hospital staff
  • Implement health and education programs in the community that build support for the hospital and make it self-sustainable
Mission of Hope Rotifunk

Meet beautiful people struggling every days to make a living in a subsistence economy.

the poverty problem in Rotifunk, Sierra Leone

A child born alive in Rotifunk, Sierra Leone, had already beat the worse odds in the world — see the challenges they face.

The mothers and children of Rotifunk, Sierra Leone, need your help to overcome debilitating health conditions.


Stay in touch with what's happening at the Hatfield Archer Memorial Hospital
the average household in Sierra Leone lives on $2.83 per day