Hernia Surgery Saves Lives

A generous donor provided a generous grant to enable the Rotifunk Hospital staff, along with staff brought in from other hospitals, to perform more than 140 inguinal hernia repairs in September and October for male swamp rice farmers who live along the Bumpeh District, downriver from Rotifunk. 

Nearly 70% of all employed individuals in Sierra Leone work in agriculture and the work of swamp rice farmers, in particular, involves extremely strenuous manual labor due to the nature of the physical maintenance of the crops.  In recent surveys, one in five farmers are unable to work at all due to the prevalence of untreated hernias with groin swellings and masses.  Disability due to hernias affects the ability to work or even perform normal daily tasks. 

With no funds for medical care and lack of transportation, the economic impact on families is substantial. This grant provided free medial care, transportation to and from the hospital and meals while in the hospital.  In addition, education will be provided to the farmers with respect to safely while working in the swamp rice farms.