The 2015 year proved difficult at times for the hospital but through the spirit of the community, hospital staff, and multiple organizations working in unison, the hospital achieved many strides.
Continued Care by Rotifunk Hospital
The Ebola epidemic impeded the Moyamba West Local Health Management Committee including Mission of Hope from addressing issues regarding the functioning of Rotifunk Hospital. After a formal letter was written declaring the area Ebola-free in November of 2015, people began to take cautionary steps to move forward with the hospital’s critical needs.
The hospital staff attended a seminar on Ebola sensitization to learn about Infection Prevention and Control supported and funded by the Sierra Leone Annual Conference and several other organizations throughout the region. Staff at the hospital consists of the Matron/Acting Administrator and ten other staff with still, skeleton government personnel throughout the site.
Dr. Abdul Hameed Gamanga has provided service at the hospital since its dedication in May of 2014 to the people of Rotifunk which has ended in November of 2015. We are very thankful to him for all his service and commitment to his work while staying in Rotifunk. A new doctor, Dr. Braima J. Lansama has moved in and has already began delivering services.
Operational status
While the Ebola epidemic halted any hospital operations, the hospital’s site plan still pushed forward. The site plan of the hospital was completed by our Missionary Engineer, Kip Robinson.
Mission of Hope provided a water bore well with a water pump for the hospital; however, more work will need to be done for a better distribution and water storage system.
The hospital’s only energy source at this time is a 25 KVA generator that provides two hours of electricity supply every night. Mission of Hope’s first priority is a solar power energy system which will be a better and more efficient system of electricity for the hospital.
Through the support of Christian Health Association Sierra Leone, an incinerator was constructed for surgical refuse disposal and an ambulance was donated to the hospital.
Please follow our story as we continue to strengthen partnerships and collaborations, working diligently to support the functioning of Rotifunk Hospital. We achieved many goals for the hospital last year, while combatting the Ebola epidemic and with limited resources and hospital staff. Imagine what we can all do this 2016 year!