Mission of Hope is excited to introduce Rev. Henri (pronounced ONRÉ) Zombil as the new health services administrator for the Sierra Leone Annual Conference at Rotifunk Hospital in West Africa! He is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church and was commissioned in May of 2016. Henri was ordained in 2012 and is an elder in the Florida Annual Conference.
He holds multiple master’s degrees in human and social services,health services administration and theological studies. He is slated to complete his doctorate in human and social services at Walden University with a focus in disaster, crisis and intervention fall of 2016. Henri is passionate about continual education and gaining new experiences. He strongly believes his purpose is to heal others in crisis and aims to approach his work holistically- spiritually, mentally, and physically.
The Sierra Leone Annual Conference, along with Global Ministries’ Global Health has designated health as their top priority. Henri will be leading a team of health professionals to improve access to care and provide services that the people of Sierra Leone so desperately rely on.
“Serving God and God’s people is my goal… I’m not afraid of challenges and want to be useful. To spread spiritual, physical, and mental health through a holistic approach sharing my personal challenges and resiliency to empower people.” -Rev. Henri Zombil
Henri grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, after he was born in the United States. He has worked throughout the United States striving to empower those he has touched to be resilient through adverse times and believes that as a whole, we all need to help each other as best as we can. He has worked in the poorest countries like Congo and Zambia and was a shelter services advocate in 2014, providing advocacy work and support in crisis intervention to survivors of domestic violence. With a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion to serve God’s people, Henri will prove invaluable to the people experience and passionn Sierra Leone and Rotifunk Hospital.
Henri is married to Myriame G. Zombil who will be joining him in Rotifunk at a later date.